If you haven't already, I believe now is a good time to invest in Starbucks. Call it an inside tip, but their stock is about to rise big time. My study group decided to start meeting there. Because I lack self control, some much some needed sleep, and I cant seem to locate anywhere that currently sells it in intravenous form, I predict I will down cup after hot delicious cup of this black gold!
Study group at Starbucks? Are you kidding me? I have very few vices I haven't managed to gain an upper hand on yet, one being coffee and the other bookstores. I can't seem to EVER walk out of a book store empty handed, regardless of the fact I know I don't have any time left to enjoy a non nursing related book. But we are going to study at a Starbucks inside Barns and Noble? Ha ha ha, yeah right!
A quick perusal around the shelves and a Venti cup later, I was ready to devote my attention to postural abnormalities, antihyperensive medications, range of motion, or what ever the topic was going to be first. It went pretty well, eventually you can tune out the distractions. I do however pity the innocent people sitting near enough to hear our conversation...I am really really sorry, I am sure you didn't want to hear what an infected wound looks like while enjoying your coffee.
So this afternoon I have discovered my fate for the next year... coffee and books. A quick look around at the other tables and I begin to recognize some faces, or at least the covers of the books that the faces are buried behind...other nursing students in the semesters before ours. Maybe I will find a way to ingest my coffee it in IV form before the semester is out after all.
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