No I don't want one; nor, do I think you would want a germ infested one from me. I am referring to the mnemonic aide KISS

It is so easy to over think the situations that we are being presented with in our simulations. I know it's hard to believe; but yes, sometimes the answer is the obvious! ABC's, Safety, and check for a doctor's order...seems easy enough. Well, that is until you have an RN firing questions at you, 29 pairs of eyes critiquing every your every move, and still have to maintain enough composure to complete the skill you set out to master in the first place. (Of course you must be able to do everything without becoming a babbling fool.) Short, direct, to the point answers just might convince people that you actually know what you are talking about. Sorry for this rant, but I think I needed it, if only for a reference point to utilize later. I do have my first theory test this week after all.
Well, with the conclusion of a very long lab day, I have been deemed "safe" and allowed to practice the skills that I signed off on today on real people! Yes, I did over think everything and I am pretty sure I missed a step or two along the way but I maintained patient safety and privacy. I suppose in the end that is what matters most for now.
Good luck on the test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!