"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes"
~Eleanor Roosevelt

29 January 2010


Knock Knock

"Hi, I am Tiffany"
"I am going to be your student nurse today"
(worried patient now eyeballs the door)
"No, don't you worry..."
"I am going to take great care of you!"

I have been told that "practice doesn't make you perfect in the world of nursing, but it does make you confident." That is what is all about ladies and gentleman, confidence. Good thing I have enough of it to go around, or at the least I know how to fake it very well.

Alright really, I love that I am lucky enough have a place I can go to get the extra practice I need. And even more thankful that I know some coworkers who wouldn't mind having an extra day off this weekend. Yes, I am really calling and begging to take your shift on Saturday, so go and enjoy your unexpected day off already!

This coming Tuesday we have a practicum exam, which is a little more serious then the skills check off we did two weeks ago. Half of it I am comfortable doing as I have done it countless times before as a nurse's aide; however, the other half is now starting into things that only RN's can do. Well, I haven't ever been an RN before so I NEED all the practice I can get to help gain some insight. (Hence why I volunteer to work on weekends!) I am really thankful that I work with some wonderful nurses, that if time permitting, don't mind if I follow them around like a puppy dog starring over their shoulder. If I am really lucky there will be some new admits so I can see the skill I really need to be reviewing this week...Head to Toe assessment.

Alright better get back to the books, I have a million and one things vying for my attention this week to come and no clue where to even start. Hope you all have a great stress free weekend.

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