"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes"
~Eleanor Roosevelt

16 February 2010


This is going so far off the original focus of this blog but trust me it all does tie in together somehow.

It has been a pretty rough last few days. School, family, friends, LIFE has encompassed every area of my brain; leaving little room for the information required for my nursing class.

We always hear, never leave things undone or what needs to be said unsaid; life is unpredictable you never know what can happen next. I, like most people, really don't follow that action to well. In fact, I have over a dozen unanswered emails sitting in my inbox right now. Priorities right? I always reply to my friends deployed to the "sandbox" rather promptly, who knows what can happen over there. For my friends at home, on safer ground, I run about a week behind in my responses back.

Sadly, there was one message I never had the chance to respond to. This past Thursday I found out that a friend I was stationed with a few years ago died as a result of a car accident. So many things left unsaid; life is very much unpredictable. Had I know last week what I know today, I would have said thank you for being such a great friend. That I thought you were doing a amazing job raising your boys, that they carry your spirit and passion for life, and will continue to do so as they grow into men. You are truly going to be missed by all.

To add to an already emotional roller coaster of a week, my three year old son had an appointment, of what I assume to be the first of many, to screen for Autism. Most see him as an incredibly bright child (which he is don't get me wrong), but when one is so advanced in some areas you tend to lag behind in others. At three years old, this boy of mine can read, write, and in his own words "spell complex words." Clearly very high functioning; however, he does have many of the Asperger's syndrome symptoms that requires further investigation prior to starting Pre-K this fall.

He has a referral out for further tests on 4 of the 5 areas of development. However, the lady conducting the tests said she couldn't really figure out if he was just being suborn and refusing to do the task or he really couldn’t do it (when things don't go his way he tends to shut down.) Just to be safe she put out a referral for us to meet with someone else. Only time and many more assessments and tests will reflect the true extent of what we are dealing with for now and the future hurtles we have to overcome.

What all this is leading up the test I took last week. While the test grade is still not posted, I have this strong feeling I didn’t do as well as I would have like do. My mind was of course elsewhere during the entire duration of the test; and I will have to accept the consequences of diverting my attention.

As a nurse you have leave your problems at the "time clock."
But I am not that nurse;

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