"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes"
~Eleanor Roosevelt

17 March 2010

Interesting day

So I was on my way to Chemistry class, when suddenly in front of me cars just start swerving every which way. As I approach the intersection, there is an older guy laying in the middle of it!

With cars still trying to drive around him. I approached and positioned my car as to block both lanes of course also got out of the car to assist. Running up, I see a bike in the medium not far from the man...deductive reasoning man was on bike got hit by car.

I am in my school nursing uniform and a man on cell with 911 says "oh good, there is a nurse here." I turn his direction; surely, he's not talking about me. The color in my face is slowing starting to drain.... "NO, STUUUUUDENT NURSE!!! STUDENT!!!" I may have also mumbled "I know just enough to be dangerous!"

Alright, I wasn't as freaked out as much I am implying. I was able to provide an initial assessment, respiration, and pulse rate for EMS. Moreover I like to think I was able to provide that man some comfort and encouragement. Just maybe the primitive skills I have or simply just being there at that one moment in time, prevented shock or even further injury.

There is one thing I know for sure, I don't doubt for one moment I am working towards the right profession for me :)


  1. GOOD FOR YOU! I know if I were him, I'd feel better just because you stopped to help. The fact that you're in the medical field would be a great bonus. I can't believe people were actually driving around him without doing anything at all!?!! WOW! Blows my mind.
