I don't know it's because we are in that medical type setting, but I have noticed people talking about what should be a privet health history. People talk about medications and procedures they or family members have taken or undergone in the past like it's not that big of a deal. Well now that we have more of an understanding of medication and what it's used for the more I just want to say "I know what you have been doing, Tisk Tisk!"
For instance, today while talking about Dermatological Drugs the topic of how over the counter (OTC) anitfungal cream to treat tinea pedis can also be used to treat tinea as well. Okay sorry, just had to take the opportunity to sound smart for a change. Basically the creams for athlete's foot will also work on ring worm. A male student's voice pipes up from the back of the room "Yeah, but they don't work so well on jock itch which is a fungus as well." (Class trying hard not to burst out laughing.) Wish I remembered what the instructor said, but I am sure it was funny....those fighting back the laughter weren't able to contain to for long.
The point of this blog post? Guess I felt to need to reintegrate that there are some things I can go through my day without ever knowing about my classmates!
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