For one lesson alone we were assigned 9 glorious chapters to read in the Pharmacology book! Sad to say, it's still not done. Oh, and the theory test on said 9 chapters plus another 6 more is tomorrow afternoon...yup, I do realize it's a little to late to freak out now.
This week in Lab is the first time I slightly felt like a real nurse, instead of a glorified aide. We are leaning to pass medications and give injections. In fact we even signed off on the Intramuscular (painful shot into the Deltoid) and the Intradermal (think TB tests).
Next Tuesday will be the practicum on Med. passes and a subcutaneous injection (insulin injections). A little alarmed that my instructor felt the overwhelming desire to share with us that last semester she only had 3 people pass those skill first time around. I am not liking the classes' odds here. We do have an opportunity to retake, but it is done on our own time. Well, I really don't have the time to spare as it is....so I think it will be much easier on me to pass the first time around.
That being said, I can really use someone to practice on....
any takers?
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