"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes"
~Eleanor Roosevelt

10 April 2010

Let the shit talk begin

That line was actually spoken as the theory instructor walked into the room on Friday.

For good reason, topic of the day: Bowel elimination (deification or even poop if you prefer) this topic also included flatulence and hemorrhoids. So, yes, there was literally a whole lot of shit talk. I may never think of chocolate in the same way again. Just in case the Bristol Stool Form Scale doesn't do the trick in determine if your own poop is good or bad...Milk Duds (Type 1) BAD, chocolate milk shake (Type 7) BAD, the goal of each deification to match a Baby Ruth consistency(Type 3 or even sometimes 4). Good thing I am on a diet kick. I mean, who really needs to eat chocolate ever again anyway, right?

Okay this class wasn't a fun as the topic alluded to, oh well. Maybe next week things will perk up a little, the next topic will be Pain Management....Narcotics! That may be good for a story or two.

Lesson of the day:

Proper fluid and fiber intake, plus a little exercise is all that is needed to prevent things from backing up!

In case you missed this when it first played on Scrubs (the funniest nearly medical like show out there!!!) a few years ago...I present you the POO SONG! (this pretty much sums up the lesson, well we didn't doing the song and dance...guess my class just isn't that cool!:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tiff.....that's the funniest song! Missed that episode!
