Once you are in the nursing program it becomes another dreaded exam you have to take prior to the final. The people that created this test believe that how well you do on this exam is directly proportional on how well you would do when it comes to take the state licensing exam after graduation...NCLEX.
It covers everything you should have learned during the semester. I say should have, because there were some questions on the one I took today that was clearly not from anything we covered in the past three months. However, I know they will be covered in Mental Health or Adult...which does come next semester. Maybe they were just testing our critical thinking skills with our limited knowledge base? HA
From the beginning of classes convening we knew we had to achieve a numerical score of 850 or have to do a remediation plan. Not a lot of fun when you have other class assignments to be concerned about. Last week the Nursing Department sent out an email stating: If you receive a conversion score greater then 80% you can opt out of taking the Final Exam. No added pressure or anything.
I know quite a few people that devoted countless hours studying for this. And I will most likely be hated for admitting...but I didn't study one bit. I didn't know what I should study or where to focus my time. So instead of wasting the time all together, I gave my undivided attention to things going on at home. (My son sure did enjoy his 4th Birthday, without mommy being buried behind a mountain of books.)
Isn't he cute!
Alright, enough playing around. Turns out I will not be taking a final for this class! I received a numerical score of 1017 which converted to a 92%. (Don't ask me how they convert it because I don't have any clue!) So all that is remaining for this semester is: one case study that must be finished tonight and a unit exam on Thursday! Sadly I still will have to take a Chemistry final as well.
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