Top 10 Diagnoses for nursing students…
10. Fluid volume deficit related to dehydrating effects of caffeine as evidenced by increased student sightings at coffee bars.
9. Impaired social interactions related to inappropriate topics of conversation as evidenced by excessively detailed discussions of bowel and bladder functions.
8. Sexual dysfunction related to time constraints and stress-induced impotence as evidenced by increased irritability of nursing students and their significant others.
7. Functional constipation related to lack of time to go to the bathroom as evidenced by moving at the speed of light and still not getting everything done.
6. Impaired skin integrity related to increased intake of fat, chocolate, and alcohol as evidenced by the return of adolescent facial breakouts.
5. Anticipatory grieving related to impending midterms and final exams as evidenced by fits of crying and social withdrawal in October, December, March, and May.
4. Maturational enuresis related to trauma-induced regression to childhood as evidenced by frequent changing of linens.
3. Ineffective individual coping: obsessive compulsive behaviors related to high demand of nursing school as evidenced by the continual checking and rechecking of calendars, date books, course syllabi, and other nursing students to reassure that one is not forgetting assignments.
2. Altered thought processes: caffeine-induced psychosis and paranoia related to increased coffee consumption as evidenced by the overwhelming feeling that all the instructors are out to fail you from the program.
1. Self-care deficit related to being a nursing student as evidenced by weight loss/gain, insomnia, and mediocre household cleanliness.
05 June 2010
Confession...okay more of a gripe

A few other blogs I read occasionally just stop at random points, and I wonder if they are in the same boat as me? Or are they not posting because they are no longer on the student nurse to registered nurse path? Rest assured my loyal readers (all 10 of you) I am still trudging away, just busy as all hell!
I can't believe how much work there is actually to do! Three weeks ago I wrote all the assignments due for each class in my weekly planner, color coded to match each class...yup, I still have a migraine from it!
I feel it is taking everything I can offer just to try and keep my head above water. There is this overwhelming sense of overall disappointment, looming over my household. I feel guilty "hiding" in my room behind a mountain of books instead of crawling around outside intriguing the young minds of my kiddos. Or when I do take some time off of school the work, it is always in my brain that I should have a book in hand. Any other task, not involving nursing, never really gets my full undivided attention.
Something has to give, I am crossing my fingers and toes hoping it wont be my sanity! There are still 11 more months to graduation and pinning! I find it befitting that we are studying hypertension this week. I think I need to re-review the signs and symptoms of prehypertension for a little self diagnosis.
Alright this has completely veered off the intended topic and I end the complaining here. Back to the books...I have to find someway to cram all the information required to pass two exams on Monday, into a already nearly necrotic brain.
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